
The Community Acupuncture movement is catching on nationwide. To learn more about community acupuncture and to find a directory of clinics, visit POCA (People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture). Lincoln Acupuncture Project is modeled after the Working Class Acupuncture clinic in Portland, Oregon.

Here are some great books about community acupuncture, the second and third of which are available for free as PDF files you can read on your computer:

Acupuncture Is Like Noodles: The Little Red (Cook)Book of Working Class Acupuncture by Lisa Rohleder, L.Ac. and Skip Van Meter L.Ac.   

Fractal: About Community Acupuncture by Lisa Rohleder L.Ac.

Why Did You Put That Needle There? by Andy Wegman, L.Ac.   

Acupuncture Points Are Holes: A Case Study in Social Entrepreneurship by Lisa Rohleder, L.Ac.

The Calmest Revolution Ever Staged (short film)

You will also be able to find lots of great articles about community acupuncture on our blog. Enjoy!